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The Audiobook of Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel is now available on Audible.com and iTunes, etc. To purchase it, click HERE. Listen to a sample story below.

Tale of the Faqir and the Bandit Chief.


Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel
Only $13.99

Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel can be ordered from any local bookstore, or from these online sources. It is available as a paperback from Amazon.com in the US and Europe, and can be read in seven languages. See below for details:

Please contact the publisher to place an order by e-mailing customerservice@createspace.com or by calling toll free at 866-308-6235 option 6. There is a 40% discount for all bookstore and library orders.

MASTER OF THE JINN EBOOKS are available from Google Books, Smashwords, and Amazon:

1. The Google EBookstore. Master of the Jinn is being sold in English, Russian, Indonesian, and Croatian, by Google Ebooks for only $3.82. Click HERE to order. It is available in the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany,  Greece, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, and Japan.

2. Master of the Jinn is now an Ebook on Smashwords, and available on Apple's iBookstore, Barnes and Noble NOOK store, and can be read on your Sony Reader, Diesel, Kobo, Scribd subscription service, Oyster subscription service, Flipkart (India's largest online bookseller) and Baker & Taylor's Blio.com  It is also now available in participating libraries who carry Ebooks in their electronic collection.  To purchase a copy for only $3.99, click HERE.

3. Master of the Jinn is available as an Amazon Paperback and Ebook in the US for only $4.99 Just click HERE to order.

WORLD ENGLISH EDITIONS -  Ebook and Paperback

England – UK – click HERE.

Canada - click HERE.

Australia - click HERE.

France, in English - Click HERE.

Germany, in English - Click HERE.

Spain, in English - Click HERE.

Mexico, in English – Click HERE.

Italy, in English - Click HERE.

India, in English – Click HERE.

Japan, in English – Click HERE.

Brazil, in English - Click HERE.


Master of the Jinn has been translated and published in Indonesia (Sang Raja Jin), Turkey (Cinlerin Efendisi), Russia (Povelitel dzhinnov), Germany (Meister der Jinn), Croatia (Gospodar demona), Spanish (El Maestro de los Jinn), Urdu (Aaqa-e-jinnat) and Malayalam, the language of the Kerala state of India (Jinnukalude Nadhan). 

To Order the various editions, click the links below:

English – Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel

India in English – Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel

India in English Ebook – Master of the Jinn: A Sufi Novel

India, in Malayalam - Jinnukalude Nadham - Ebook

India in Tamil - Jingalin Aasaan - Paperback

India in Tamil - Jingalin Aasaan - Ebook

Urdu, in Pakistan and India – Aaqa-e-jinnat – Ebook

Spanish – El Maestro de los Jinn – Paperback

Spanish – El Maestro de los Jinn – Ebook

Indonesian – Sang Raja Jin – Paperback

Indonesian – Sang Raja Jin – Ebook

German – Meister der Jinn- Paperback

German – Meister der Jinn – Ebook

Croatian – Gospodar demona – Paperback

Croatian – Gospodar demona – Ebook

Russian – Повелитель джиннов  (Povelitel dzhinnov) – Paperback

Russian – Повелитель джиннов (Povelitel dzhinnov) – Ebook

Turkish Paperback – Cinlerin Efendisi

Turkish Ebook - Cinlerin Efendisi

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